CEFRANK Cylinder Bundles; why our bundles are better
Lara Cory26th January 2015 Blogcefrank cylinder bundle,cefrank gas bundle,cefrank gas pack,cefrank manifolded pack
Our manifolded cylinder bundles, or ‘packs’ as we generally call them, are the cornerstone product of CEFRANK UK. Founder and Director FrankCetinich developed his unique product over a number of years and with a wealth of experience in the industry. What started as a career in trouble-shooting for various major gas companies in and around Australia, Mr Cetinich could see a place in the market for a new kind of cylinder bundle. Hewas tired of seeing equipment that was over-engineered, over-weight and difficult to maintain. After much consideration, research and developmentMr Cetinich came up with the prototype for the CEFRANK manifolded cylinder pack. Not only did our design break the convention of existing marketmodels but the concept of going out-of-house for cylinder equipment was also a challenge to the status quo.
What started as a quest to offer an gas cylinder equipment alternative to the gas companies became a mission to develop the ultimate, universal packthat could be bought and used in every country, conform to the strictest safety standards across all industries and above all be easy to use and cheap tomaintain. We achieved this goal and believe ours to the best cylinder pack on the market today.
Why a CEFRANK pack is different
The CEFRANK pack is different because it islight weight, designed on principles of simplicity and efficiency, and yet strong enough and secureenough to handle over 10 years of active use in the field. We guarantee our product for 10 years.
The CEFRANK pack is different because it is based on amodular designwhich is assembled using lock-nuts instead of requiring welds. This iswhere our product really comes into its own. The modular, bolted nature of the CEFRANK cylinder pack means that it can be shipped efficiently andcost effectively to anywhere in the world. Transporting our disassembled packs is extremely cost effective because they are flat-packed.
The CEFRANK pack is different because it has a life-longcost-effective maintenancebuilt in to the design. The modular, bolted frame means thatwhen a pack is damaged in the field or needs repair, you simply isolate and remove the damaged piece and replace it with a new piece from yourinventory (or from ours). Because the parts are bolted together you don’t need to worry about having welders, or losing the integrity of the weld orgalvanising in the process. It also means you can save time and cost on repairs. In fact,our pack will save you up to 80% of the cost of maintenance during the lifetime of the product which could exceed the industry standard by many, many years